Yuntai Mountain

Ticket price CNY 120 p.p , excursion bus CNY 60 p.p

Open times: 8:00-17:30

Tips: tickets are available within 2 days

Yuntai Mountain is located in Jiaozuo Hena about 70 kilometers to Zhengzhou city, it listed in the World Geologic Park from UNESCO in 2004.

Covers an area of 240 square kilometers, Zhuyu peak is 1304 meters above sea level, every year the Mountain is different, in Spring it is green and with flowers, in Summer the luxuriant virgin forests and beautiful waterfalls make it an excellent resort, in Autumn the leaves turned into yellow and make the Mountain like a colorful coat, in Winter it snows and ice will cover the Mountain, the  ice pillar and the plants covered with snow so make the Mountain like the fairytale world.

Located in the south of Zifang lake , the red stone alley is a rare Danxia landform canyon landscape in the northen China, as the cliff is red so called “Hongshixia” in Chinese where it is a must see area.

Among the landscape gallery of Yuntai Mountain, Tanpu Gorge is nature’s masterpiece. It is famous for ‘a spring in three steps, a waterfall in five steps and a pool in ten steps’. The water scenery in this valley is imposing with mountains and unique rocks. Located in the north of Yuntai Mountain, the 1,270 meters (1,389 yards) long gorge travels from south to north. Y shape water fall and lovers water fall are the typical waterfalls in Tanpu gorge, a nice place to hug nature.


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