The Renminbi (Chinese: 人民币) is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is the legal tender in mainland China, but not in Hong Kong and Macau.
Unit: Yuan, Jiao (some times called “Mao ” ) and Fen. 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao (Mao); 1 Jiao = 10 Fen
100 yuan (new)
50 yuan (new)
20 yuan
10 yuan (new)
5 yuan (new)
1 yuan (new)
5 Jiao (0.5 yuan)
2 Jiao (0.2 yuan)
1Jiao (0.1 yuan)
Chinese Currency: Coins
From top to the bottom: 1 yuan, 5 jiao (0.5 yuan), 1 jiao (0.1 yuan)
From top to the bottom: 5 fen (0.05 yuan), 2 fen (0.02 yuan), 1 fen (0.01 yuan)