Shilihe flower and fish market

Admission Fee Free
Opening Hours Whole day (stores usually open at 08:00-23:00)

Shilihe Tianjiao Culture City, one of Beijing’s oldest markets, is famously known as the “Shilihe Bird, Flower, Fish, and Insect Market”. True to its name, this market offers a diverse array of pets, insects, and plants, making it a haven for pet enthusiasts and collectors alike. Additionally, visitors can explore stalls selling calligraphy paintings and antiques, adding to the market’s cultural charm.

The market’s layout is well-organized, with distinct sections for different categories of goods. For example, birds and insects are clustered in one area, while calligraphy and antiques occupy separate sections. This segmented arrangement simplifies navigation for visitors seeking specific items.

The market truly comes alive on Saturday mornings when a bustling atmosphere prevails, particularly in the fish section where an impressive array of fish in various colors and sizes are on display. However, visitors should exercise caution and be prepared to negotiate fiercely, as tourists are often targeted for inflated prices.

Despite the potential for inflated prices, Shilihe Tianjiao Culture City offers a unique and vibrant shopping experience, showcasing Beijing’s rich cultural heritage and diverse marketplace offerings.

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