Yanjing Lake

 Opening Time: 08:00-17:30

 Admission Fee: CNY 45; free for children under 1.2m (3.9ft)   (The following entertainment activities are not included.)

Items Ticket Fare Items Ticket Fare
Swing CNY10 (3 minutes) Speed Boat CNY50
Merry Go Round CNY15 Flume Ride CNY80
Cartoon Train CNY20 Sightseeing boat CNY90
Automobile Race CNY15 Battery Boat for Four People CNY150/160
Excavator CNY15 Battery Boat for Five People CNY180
Laser Shooting CNY25 Battery Boat for Six People CNY200
Jungle Roller Coaster CNY30 Motorcycle CNY35
Surfing CNY30 Sky Adventures CNY40
Rainbow Slide CNY30 9D Cinema CNY40
Spining Chair CNY35 Corsair CNY35

Yanqi Lake, nestled at the base of the Yanshan Mountains in the Huairou District, northeast of Beijing, offers a serene escape just 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the city center. Since opening its doors to the public in 1987, this picturesque lake has become a beloved destination renowned for its stunning natural scenery and vibrant aquatic attractions, attracting visitors from both near and far.

Comprising both east and west sections, Yanqi Lake boasts a vast water surface area spanning 230 hectares (approximately 275,000 square yards) and encompasses over 20 kilometers (12 miles) of pristine shoreline.

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